How To Find A Business Loan In California How To Find A Business Loan In California California is the land of opportunities as far as small businesses are concerned. The state administration provides both long term and short-term loans on easy terms to small businesses, and provides incentives to private lenders to extend credit to small business. This article discusses some ways to find business loans in California, and lists some institutions where you can apply for small business loans.
Sources of Business Loans in California:
From the federal Small Business Administration to state programs, you can find many loan sources in California. Some of them are listed below.
1) Small Business Loan Guarantee program
This loan program provides guarantees to banks to provide loans to small businesses.
2) California Capital Access Program
This program helps small businesses get funds through banks and private lenders by providing incentive to the lenders.
3) Small Business Tax Exempt Bond Financing
This program m akes tax-exempt bond finance available to small businesses that are keen on investing in waste disposal, recycling and other pollution control measures.
4) Small Business Administration (SBA)
The SBA provides a range of loans to small businesses in collaboration with state governments.
5) USDA Business Loans
The US Department of Agriculture provides business loans to small businesses and rural entrepreneurs.
6) Small Business Surety
The SBA offers grants of up to $ 1.25 to small businesses that are unable to obtain loans from other lenders.
7) Recycling Market Development Loan
These loans are provided to small businesses that utilize secondary waste materials to make new products, in other words, recycle waste materials.
8) Employment Training Panel
This program provides loans to small business owners to train people and make them employable in long-term jobs.
9.) Industrial Development Revenue Bond
Loa ns are provided for the manufacturing and processing companies that wish to invest in equipment and movable property. The interest rates are low and the loans are tax-exempt.
10.) Energy Innovations
The Energy Innovations Small Grants program gives a maximum of $ 75,000 to small businesses to for research in the field of energy resources.
With business booming like never before, there has never been a better time for investing in a small business in California. Aiding you in your endeavors will be the Federal as well as the State Government that will provide all possible help in terms of fixed rate loans, grants, as well as counseling to those wish to start a small business in California, or are already running a business in California.
If you want more information on the sources of business loans in California, you can consult a small business consultant who will guide you to the best source of business funds in the state.
Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at .95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.
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