Pick Your Own Blueberry and Agri-Tourism and Agri-Entertainment Business
We would like to speak directly to some of you if are considering starting a "Pick Your Own" blueberry farm. The "Pick Your Own" blueberry business as well as other fruit is a very good business. This coupled with agri-tourism and agri-entertainment can make for a profitable business. Pick your own blueberries and other pick your own "super fruit" is a very big business. It will only get bigger as food and fuel prices continue to increase and people move more and more toward buying "locally grown" fruits such as blueberries!
Pick your own blueberry business
The pick your own blueberry business and other super fruits can be a very big and profitable business if you have the time, vision and resources to start one. You can start relatively small with just about 1000 plants and add more as you get the resources and experience to handle a larger operation. The pick your own is a business is only going to get bigger as fuel prices and food prices continue to rise. People will more and more be moving toward buying locally grown fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, aronia black chokeberries and etc... The recognition of the health benefits of these are also major factors in their increasing popularity. Aronia black chokeberries for example have an astounding amount of antioxidants and make excellent juices and jams. They have 3 times the amount of antioxidants that are in blueberries. The health benefits of these berries were even recognized and use by the American Indian before the arrival of Europeans.
Buying only "locally grown" fruits such as blueberries which currently tops the list of fruit desired by you pickers! This business will increase in the future.
Agri-tourism and Agri-entertainment
Agri-tourism, is a business or activity that draws visitors to a farm. Agri-tourism can include a wide variety of activities, such as picking fruit , buying produce from a farm stand, feeding animals, navigating a corn maze, taking a hay ride or staying at a bed and breakfast on a farm.It is a form of niche visiting the attraction that is considered a growth business in the United States and in other parts of the world. Another related business is Agri-entertainment.
These are great entertainment for children and have an educational value.
Today, the economic survival of many family farms is being endangered by the modern global agricultural economy. To supplement traditional farm income and maintain their economic viability, many farms are taking advantage of their unique rural and outdoor appeal by developing entertainment attractions as additional sources of income and provide some nostalgic appeal. This is typically referred to as "agri-tourism or agri-entertainment" (agriculture plus entertainment'). These options have a wide range of strategies as pick-your-own, picnic areas, petting zoos, hay rides, c hildren's play areas, mazes, pumpkin patches, fall festivals, farm stores, and school field trips. Knott's Berry which started as a u-pick berry farm is one of the most thriving independent entertainment destination in the United States.
Agri-tourism and Agri-entertainment are going to be very big businesses in the future. Now is the time to get "ahead of the curve" and "get blueberry plants planted now" and plan for the future. You will greatly benefit by this development in the years to come. Fuel prices and food prices will continue to rise causing more people to buy locally grown food.
There are both "baby boomers" and young college graduates who want to start their own little farm to make a living or already have a little farm set up. "Baby boomers" often want to have this for their retirement.
Now is a good time to start your own your pick blueberry farm and agri-tourism and agri-entertainment business. You can start sma ll and grow to the size you want.
Purchase your pesticide free blueberries from (Blueberry Croft Farm and Nursery). The farm is a reputable source for quality blueberry plants. Go to _ http://www.blueberrycroft.com/ to purchase your blueberry plants. Get free S/H on orders of +. © 2011 by Harold Stewart May be reproduced in entirety with live link.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harold_Stewart